Non-Emergency: 508-886-4033
Non-Emergency: 508-886-4033
Rutland Regional Animal Control provides animal control services to the communities of Rutland, Barre, Boylston, New Braintree, Paxton, Princeton and West Boylston, for a total service population of almost 36,000 people. Our animal control service conducts investigations, responds to animal complaints and emergencies and has consistently provided service that far exceeds animal control services in other communities. In many communities, animal control officers only deal with domestic animals, and in some instances, just dogs. Rutland Regional Animal Control provides a wider range of services including response to wildlife and livestock calls.
The animal control staff consists of one full-time supervisory animal control officer, Jen Ford, and one part-time ACO, Matthew DeCiero. The ACO is also responsible for running a 4-animal capacity pound located behind the Rutland DPW.
If you have an animal-related emergency, dial 911. For non-emergency calls, call the dispatch center at 508-886-4033 and dial zero.
You can also contact ACO Jen Ford via email at jford@rutlandpd.us, and ACO Matt DeCiero at mdeciero@rutlandpd.us